Monday, January 16, 2017

Total Joy

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, not lacking anything." JAMES 1:2-4

Joy is the hallmark of true discipleship. Joy is not a natural reflex to trials.  It's a Kingdom response by a disciple of Jesus who sees reality from God's perspective. Like Paul and Silas in Philippi. In the deepest dungeon and the darkest hour, they sang hymns under torture! Not that they took pleasure in pain.  Not at all. But because they believed that God was in control and that he would bring about a positive outcome in line with his perfect will. (ACTS 16:23-34).

God doesn't put us on a treadmill to watch us sweat.  His purpose is always to show mercy and compassion (JAMES 5:11).  His plan is to make us perfect and complete in Christ. (1:4).  

Trials are special occasions for rejoicing because suffering produces patience and patience produces character and character produces hope. (ROMANS 5:3-4).

Patience is not passive resignation to suffering. Nor is it a denial of reality.  It's a resolve to bear up under the burden, trust God's character, and cling to his promise over the distance.  Patience confronts reality head on with the faith and joy of Jesus.  Give patience a chance.

Fanny Jane Crosby lost her sight in infancy due to a doctor's negligence.  But she never grew bitter.  At the age of eight, she wrote these lines: "O what a happy soul am I, although, I cannot see; I am resolved that in this world contented I will be. How many blessings I enjoy that other people don't. To weep  and sigh because I am blind I cannot and I won't."

Fanny Crosby never gave in to self-pity.  Like Paul and Silas, she sang her way through the darkness until she saw the face of Jesus in heaven.  She was so prolific a hymn-writer that she had to use a hundred pseudonyms to prevent her name from inundating the hymnals of her day.  She wrote 8,000 hymns, including all-time favorites such as Blessed Assurance, Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, and Near the Cross.

Are you suffering?  Assess the situation from a Kingdom perspective.  count it a total joy!! Give thanks for the good outcome that you cannot see.  Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. (KARL BARTH)


  • Following Jesus does not mean a trouble-free life. No one is exempt from suffering.  When trials come your way, your attitude is more important than your IQ. Do you react or do you rejoice?  Typically, people get upset or anxious. They feel undone. They despair. They blame.  They grumble. They demonise their enemies, real or imagined.  Some lose sleep.  Others fall into depression.  Some withdraw from Christian. fellowship.  Others become suicidal.  If any of this describes your pattern of response, break the cycle today in Jesus' name.  Turn to God with all your heart.  He is with you.  He is for you.  He is not against you.
  • Are you in the thick of a painful, prolonged trial? Is it a personal health crisis? A domestic problem? A relational conflict? A workplace injustice? Take James (book of James) seriously.  Set your mind to rejoice, especially when negative emotions overwhelm you. rejoice in Faith. Defy your feelings.  Joy is a value of the Kingdom.  Joy is a command.  Joy is a choice.  Choose to obey.  Sooner or later, you will experience the joy of the Lord as your strength in the storm.
  • In the midst of your trial, accept and confess the Truth: God is a Father. God is my good Father.  God never makes a mistake.  God is working all things for my greatest good.  God has nothing but good intentions for my life.  God is sovereign, and since he is sovereign, there is never any cause for despair.
  • Pray: Heavenly Father, I am your precious possession, bought at a great cost.  I believe your Word of Truth. I accept your wisdom from above.  I cannot control everything that happens to me.  But I can control everything that happens to me.  But I can control the way I respond.  Yes, trials are not sent to crush me.  Trials are meant to create a better version of me. To bring out the gem in me.  To make me more like Jesus.  When troubles come at me from all directions, I will count it all joy! In all things, I will exercise patience so that I may become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.  I want to be your disciple of joy. I want to share in the fellowship of your suffering (PHILIPPIANS 3:10).  I will encourage others with the wisdom I gain from each perplexing episode.  I will look to Jesus...who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.(HEBREWS 12:2).
Ponder and pray this wise insight for living: Who are the most beautiful people in the world?  Those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. (ELISABETH KÜBLER-ROSS)

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